Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Busy busy busy!

I know I am so behind on this blog and I'm so sorry to all you loyal blog readers. But get ready for all kinds of stuff to be blogged:

-My big fabulous greek wedding (we took over 3,000 pictures, my record before was 2,500....WOW)
-D family kids
-Corrin and Dan's beach wedding
-Commercial shots from Norris Lake TN.
-R & J engagement session
-VanSanden Family weekend and their newest addition Gloria!
-Dayton Dragons game w/ my girls
and much much more!!!

For now I'm going to post a little trio from my Grandma's SURPRISE 75th birthday party. (I've been wanting to get this posted for a while, but as always my clients come before my personal shoots, Thank you to my family for understanding that!!!)

We really suprised her! Here she is walking into the room filled with family and friends from all over the country!!!

2 Comments make me :):

Anonymous said...

Thanks for capturing that moment, can't wait to show her. It was a great day.

Anonymous said...

Corrin and Dan's beach wedding......now, I know what I put other people threw. I like being on the other end, the blogger, better I think! ;) It was great to see you, thanks so much for making the trip up. I am so glad you were able to visit with your family too.