Monday, November 12, 2007

Logan & Lauren

Did you know that between Andy and I we have 11 neices and nephews??? (with one more on the way) That's right! How lucky are we. Well Logan and Lauren are two of them and they are just so sweet. Logan just started saying words in the last few months and I can't believe how many new words he now knows and can say. He is so smart. And then there is little Lauren. She has the biggest prettiest eyes. She just loves to look around and I wonder what she's thinking while she takes it all in. I can't wait for her to start saying words too, but that will be a while. Thanks so much Jenny for letting me take pictures of your little ones! Here are my faves!

This one makes me laugh so much! What a silly face!

2 Comments make me :):

Anonymous said...

Wow I can't pick a favorite, so many great shots, such cutie kids. you all must be very proud.
I especially like the HATS. lots of ahhhs as I looked at these.
So proud of you!

Anonymous said...

so so cute! they definitely have "sommer" features! cant believe how big they are already!